Ꭶ- is used to indicate a period of time has occurred (or will have occurred) since the start of an event.
This prefix goes just before the bound pronoun, after Ꮥ/Ꮧ.
Add the prefix Ꭶ-, being careful about the pronunciation rules.
Can be added to past tense, etc.
Ꭶ- before consonents. ᎦᏱ͓- before vowels; Ꭶ- + -Ꭰ => Ꭼ; Ꭶ- becomes Ꭸ- for 2nd person forms, Ꭶ- becomes ᎬᏩ͓- for third person forms, ᎬᏩ͓ + Ꭴ => ᎬᏩ.
gaginigohvi, “since you and I saw it”
gayoginigohv, “since he and I saw it”
gvgigohvi, “since I saw it”
gejagohvi, “since you saw it”
gesdigohvi, “since you two saw it”
gvwagohvi, “since he saw it”
gvwanigohvi, “since they saw it”
[from CED, pg 255]