Version 5.12
Animals teaches you to recognize the Cherokee names for more than 40 animals.
The app is currently available for Android TV for free in the Google App Store.
This is a simple platformer game to assist with learning the Cherokee numbers.
You wander around in a maze and collect dice together that match the challenge given, then explode them.
After you have completed all the challenges for a level you move on to the next larger level with more numbers to learn.
Your help reviewing Cherokee language audio is greatly needed.
As mentioned in a previous post [here], I've been working on getting a Cherokee TTS system operational. I now have initial output ready for a quality check review.
If you have at least some ear for the sounds of Cherokee either as a second language learner or you are a first language speaker your help would most definitely be appreciated.
Simply visit [Audio Quality Vote], login, review audio, and vote. That's it! Simple and easy! Nothing to download or install, it all happens in the browser.
(Updated: 2020-11-08)
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I've abandoned trying to use the espeak-ng speech synthesizer. After spending many weeks working it, it still will not correctly apply stress rules (adding stress to unstressed words) and has other issues I've run into that are very problematic, such as where "d", "g", "n" sound so similar that it is easy to mishear these consonants.
Instead I've switched to using a Tacotron 2 TTS system published by Tomáš Nekvinda for speaking Cherokee. While more work definitely needs done, I think this is a good start, and generally sounds much better than espeak-ng. Samples follow.